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Immagine del redattoreClasse Europa Italia

Campionato del Mondo Classe Europa 2020 rinviato al 2021

Si riporta di seguito il comunicato da parte del presidente della I.E.C.U. con il quale rende noto lo spostamento del Campionato Mondiale 2020 in programma in Svezia al 2021 e di conseguenza il Campionato Mondiale 2021 al 2022.

Europe Class Worlds 2020 in Råå/Helsingborg, Sweden, postponed until 2021 With the ongoing Covid-19 situation we have decided, together with the International Europe Class Union and Swedish Europe Class Association, to postpone 2020 Europe Class Worlds and instead move the event into 2021. Many other options have been considered before taking this sad decision, but we all consider that, as the Event was scheduled for early July 2020, this is the logic decision to take since health and safety is our number one priority. In good cooperation with the International & Swedish Europe Class, we welcome all sailors to join the Open Week and World Championship in Råå/Helsingborg, Sweden preliminary in July 5th to 16th, 2021. We also share a great amount of thankfulness to the planned 2021 World Championship's Organizing Committee in Belgium, that made it possible for us to move one year forward. The Worlds in Belgium are thus moved to 2022. We thank all committed organizers and sponsors for your support and expect to keep the good cooperation for 2021 instead. To all of you sailors, we hope that you continue to do what you love, namely sail the Europe Class and that we will be together at the World Championship 2021,Until then, stay healthy and safe. All the best Peter Jönsson, Chaiman of Råå Dingy Club

Paul Depoorter, President IECU 20 April 2020

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