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Immagine del redattore: Classe Europa ItaliaClasse Europa Italia

Dear all.

After a hectic "aft-summer period", it's time for some information about the activities in the Class.

Thanks for sharing if you think it's usefull.

DECISIONS MADE BY WORLD SAILING - ( ISAF ) regarding Olympics 2024.

Probably many of you have been following last week's meeting in Sarasota ( USA ), basically regarding the Events for the 2024 Olympic Games in France.

The General Meeting is where the Member National Authorities ( National Federations ) need to approve or override all Council's decisions.  The most relevant decision for many sailors was about the Olympic Events for 2024. During the meeting, a late Submission from WS Board changed the game and changed May's Mid Year Meeting decision. The "Mixed One Person Dinghy" Event was suddenly replaced by a "Mixed Two Person Keelboat Offshore".  As a practical consequence ( there are many, but let's focuss on the most immediate ), the Europe Dinghy has no room in the Olympic Games for 2024.

IECU made a submission based on the World Sailing Mid Year Meeting decisions, we travelled to USA to make a presentation of the idea, to defend our class, but then suddenly the playing field changed and the game was over.  Our brother class, the Finn, is now in the same position we were in 2004. Unless new surprises, Japan 2020 will be their last Olimpic Games. A shame.  Eventhough we had a wisp of hope for the Europe, in fact we will continue working hard to keep our class healthy, with the support of all National Europe Class Associations. We have a fantastic boat, where boys and ladies can compete with equal possibilities, where fair play is a must, where fun is an obligation.  I am sure that you will all continue loving and promoting our Class among the youth sailors. Let them discover THE feeling !

Paul Depoorter


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